The giving Season - try tackling it Tuesday
When it comes to gifts in these financially stricken times, we’re all struggling to hit the right note. America is a secular country, which means foreigners should proceed with caution not to cause offense.
One safe route is to choose a holiday ornament, bought or home-made.
This is a simple Cinnamon stick as a trunk with ‘branches’ of faux greenery and the decorations of your choice, buttons, sequins, stick on gems and ribbons. We avoid the peel off stickers as that’s far too much of a challenge for the fine motor skills.
I particularly like this project for a number of practical reasons. First and foremost there is no paper to deal with for the tactile defensive amongst us. Although you can use a hot glue gun for a quick fix, ordinary tacky glue does just as well.
It’s a good idea to make up one in advance so that children have a visual cue for what they’re aiming at.
I am confident in this choice, as I have been schooled by three dis-interested, independent third parties, one American born and bred, one blow in and another naturalized American. Each of these people were in business, professionals. During the holidays it was their policy to give a holiday ornament to their visiting patients. I was the delighted recipient of holiday ornaments from Mrs. Cavity, Mr. Braces and Mr. Slice. Of course there is the remote possibility that this is a hybrid gift tradition for the dental profession? Afterall it wouldn't be the first time I've been hoodwinked.