I have moved over to WhittereronAutism.com. Please follow the link to find me there. Hope to see you after the jump! :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas meme

"Elissa" from "Managing Autism" has tagged me this Christmas meme - tis the season to be tagged, it would appear.

“When people say ‘Christmas’ you immediately think…”

Quick! Remember to say 'Holiday!' Remember which land mass you're on!

“Favourite Christmas memory…”


“Favourite Christmas song/carol…”

'God rest ye Merry Gentlemen' but only if choral [to save us all from Satan's power!] Strangely I know every word and yet I don't remember learning them.

“Favourite Christmas movie…”

The Snowman by Raymond Briggs

“Favourite Christmas character…”

Are there any? Father Christmas?

“Favourite Christmas ornament/object…”

See picture above, made by my eldest daughter's fair hands 20 years ago.

“Plans for this Christmas…”

Home with the family in-between packing for England and the "Wedding."

“Is Christmas your favourite holiday?”


So I shall tag:-

"Art in the Garage"

at "Whee All The Way Home."

"Terry" at "Planet3RRY"

at "Memoirs of a Chaotic Mommy"

at "Inherwritemind1"

at "It's All Okay"

"Susan" at "West of Mars"

"The Ironic Catholic" that has to be a winner!

And "elasticwaistbandlady" at "The Smiling Infidel," what a combination.

Sorry it's so short but I'm preparing for the "sleepover" and I have a head-cold.

p.s. if you are one of the many kindly souls that sent me an 'e-card' and wonder why I have been so rude in not responding, have already crossed me off your Christmas card list for next year and are thoroughly miffed by my cold hearted rebuff, this is due to one of the following:-

a] the card is virtually real or
b] really virtual
and I am unable to distinguish one from the other. One or the other threatens to virtually wipe out my computer and really send me reeling, so I don't open either.

Cheers dearies

Myspace Graphics


Leightongirl said...

Oh my goodness -- I love The Snowman. I don't think I've ever heard it mentioned anywhere before. I pull it out every Christmas and every Christmas my daughter says, "That was depressing," at the line, "the snowman had melted." But to me it's just a beautiful story. Thanks for reminding me.

Ally said...

Fun little meme. :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Best wishes for the Holiday season, and especially for your travels!

Angela DeRossett said...

Thanks Maddy!! I posted it!

Linda said...

You do so well on these memes, it's no wonder you get tagged so often!

I love your favorite ornament, I can see why it is so!

Stacy said...

Favorite Christmas character? That's an odd meme question. Maybe you and I don't read enough "Christmas lit" :)

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