I have moved over to WhittereronAutism.com. Please follow the link to find me there. Hope to see you after the jump! :)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Wordless - Special Exposure Wednesday

5 Minutes for Special Needs

Do the math! Who needs words?


+ 2

= 3

I do have some words over at my other site, "Alien in a foreign field" called "GMT"

If you enjoy caption competitions and photographs, you may wish to nip along to"DJ Kirkby" over at "Chez Aspie" and test your brain power.


jams o donnell said...

Haha. I never had maths lessons like that!

Carver said...

That's a fun wordless post.

Anonymous said...

Man, have I felt this way. Usually occasioned by math homework however -- first mine, and then my children's.

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