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Friday, January 30, 2009

Quiet time

Slurping Life

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It's a bit hazy, but Nonna rests in the company of the boys, all of them reading Garfield comic books.

Following a "nasty scare," we shall be recharging our batteries this weekend.

However, if you're feeling a little more energetic, you may wish to consider nipping along to say "hi" to "Kev" over at "Autism Talk," he doesn't half get about that lad.

Or maybe you're more "musically" inclined in which case "Casdok" may have a "surprise" for you.

Maybe you could squeeze in a visit to "Kristina" over at "Change.org" where you could vote for her or simply drop a note of goodwill as she adjusts and settles in to her new spot.

"Trish" over at "Another Piece of the Puzzle" and at "Autism Interrupted" and updates her "Twitter" more frequently than I can manage and at "5 Minutes for Special Needs Mums" is still slogging away for all our benefit, and I'm sure she'd appreciate a comment from you. Talking of "comments" it appears that "Trish" has been kind enough to give me a "blabber mouth" award, although I suppose it's better than a "big fat finger" award for my typing skills, I think? I'm not entirely sure what I should be doing with this [?] but please don't give me any advice, rude or otherwise!

There you go, my foggy brain has managed to fathom it out, although it's Saturday rather than Friday. Suffice to say that with Nonna's mishap we have been a bit a sixes and sevens, I sure I'll be forgiven for being a day late.....I hope?


Many thanks to Sheri and "Barbara" for your concern, we are nearly back on track. I should really give this to the lovely Elle, but she's blogless poor woman. So I'm happy to pass it on to "Holly" at "Fearless Females" - what a name! One that I heartily endorse. There are so many more commenters that should take this award, but for right now, my battery is full dis-charged.

If you need to little pick me up, then head on over to "Grace in Small Things," to read of join.

Don't forget to keep your eyes and ideas open to "Jessica."

1 comment:

Trish said...

Not sure what the nasty scare was, link went to my Twitter home page (probably b/c I am currently signed in). Glad you are okay though!

I am hoping to be reading and commenting more myself now that I have gotten a couple of things off my plate. :)

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