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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Woofless Wednesday

5 Minutes for Special Needs

I took Thatcher for a play date with his sister. If my own children could play or play as quietly as this pair I would eat my hat.

Thatcher is the bigger, lighter coloured one. His sister is smaller and more Labradorish, "You can see the video here."

If you enjoy caption competitions and photographs, you may wish to nip along to"DJ Kirkby" over at "Chez Aspie" and test your brain power.

1 comment:

Amber DBTD said...

He is so cute! If you shaved him, he'd look just like my yellow lab. Oh wait... If you wanted a yellow lab, you'd not have gotten a Labradoodle, huh.

Do you have an email someplace on the blog here? I had a question for you. If not, drop me an email- amber @ dontbitethedog . net

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