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Friday, October 05, 2007

Baby Steps

We decide to debate the topic.

Are they ready?

Is this doable?

If not, how can we wangle the odds in our favour?

It’s time for the school fund raiser, the Walkathon, where the children walk around the field for as many laps as they can manage. Each year we have attended. The first year we just attended and did not participate. The following year we attended and participated, in a manner of speaking. This year, it may be time to step up to the plate and tackle the sponsorship form.

We are already practicing our ‘trick or treat’ skills through modeling, social stories and kinesthetic learning. This would tie in quite well. Go to someone’s house. Avoid being squished by traffic. Use path. Do not walk on grass or flowerbeds. Avoid hedges, think of them as walls not hurdles. Find and ring bell, once. Wait for homeowner. Greet homeowner. Do not run into homeowner’s house. Verbalize request. Do not whisper or bellow. Stay on topic no matter how fascinating the door mat or light switches. Remember, frantic movement and speech confuses your listener. Do not talk to the wall, talk to the person. Listen to their answer.

“Maybe we should take them one at a time, that would help?”
“Yes, but there’s also safety in numbers and it would muddle the 'trick or treat' practice. They’re working much better as a team, one fills in the blanks for the other, as it were.”
“So we think we’re ready?”
“So who will we visit?”
“Just the two houses." Two tries. Two attempts. "Opposite and to the right only.”
“Deal. You’ll phone them first to warn them that we’re coming?”
“On the list.”
“How long is this evolution going to take?”
“Ooo 30 minutes?” 50 paces to each house.
“30 minutes for each house?”
“Approximately, we have to allow for the unknown.”
“The unknowable.”
“I don’t need to remind you about clipboards and pens do I?”
“Huh! Far too easy, I can take that in my stride.”

New post up on "Alien."

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Hopefully, this halloween will be one that Maya can participate in. The last two years running have seen me lodged in the hospital in Pittsburgh on trick or treat night which made it impossible for someone to take her around to do the fun thing. Also, next April, when the next Autism Walk rolls around, we plan to have our team up and moving -with both children in attendance -to take part in that event too. Always and ever, moving though not necessarily in a seemingly forward direction but moving at any rate. Gonna be an interesting thing to watch for us, don't you agree?

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