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Friday, September 05, 2008

fri - An Astute Comment of recent note

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Still struggling with the juggling a bit here, hence this is an alternative to the 'comment of the week award.' I hope that normal service shall be resumed shortly or if not that, then longly.

[Inspired by "Scribbit."]

I couldn't resist this one from "Frog's Mom" over at "4 Green and Speckled Frogs," when she commented on this post called "A Pouf of Ponchos" and said as follows:-

Connection to God, in the service of Humankind,
Restructuring seventh layer,
strengthening field,
charging field,
Wealth, security, ease

It sounds like a great color for a Poof to me!'

If by any remote chance you have not visited her site before, then you may wish to start here on her post called "A Frog of Discriminating Taste," which indeed she/they is/are!


As an addition, maybe you might like to pop over and visit "Osh" at the "House that Osh Built." If this is a new site for you, I would recommend that a good starting point might be over here on her post called "Vacuum cleaners and cats." I've picked this one because it suits all comers. Those who hate cats will see it as just desserts. Those who love cats can report the owners to the Humane Society. For those who hate vacuum cleaners, I offer safe sanctuary. Those who love vacuum cleaners are beyond help, seek professional treatment dearies.

P.s. a pal of "mine" mentioned that the animator above locked their computer. Has anyone else had this experience as I feel I may need to axe the lil guy!

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