Lights Award
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Anyway, as I begin to ramble, it's my turn to pass it on to some other people.
Of course there are "rules."
Here are the rules:-
'For those who have warmed my heart with their stories (You either a. made me laugh out loud or b. made me cry my eyes out.)...I made you this:
'You know, the blog world is very unique in the sense that it has opened up such a huge community outside of our local surroundings. In doing this I really feel like those who touch our hearts have the ability to be seen by many for their actions, rather than so few when it's in person. There isn't a single person on my list that I feel expects recognition despite the potential huge audience in the web. In fact, many on my list don't even use their real name so even if someone who knows them in real life knows their deeds, they still will not receive recognition.
So here it is...those who have blessed me with their words, those who have lifted people up with their prayers, those who have given insight into their own lives in order to make it easier on those who are facing the very same challenges. I am passing this very well-deserved award to those who have shone their light on the rest of us.
This award is for those who have touched your heart. You do not have to be a recipient to pass it on, nor does a recipient need feel obligated to pass it on. I do hope that if you do pass it on it will be given with the same amount of reverence and love in which it was given to you.'
Pretty liberal if I do say so myself!
Anyway, I thought about it for a while and I decided that I would award it to the first commenters from a long while back who encouraged me to keep blogging, coz it's pretty scary when you first start!
1. "I Am Nasra"
2. "Pecos Blue" at "Now West of the Pecos River."
3. "Lisa/Jedi" at "Lisa-Jedi."
4. "Jerry Grasso" at "My Autistic Boy and Other Adventures in Fatherhood."
All on my first ever post called "The Dreaded Telly."
For me I find it especially interesting that apart from 'Anon' [sorry anon] and "Jerry" appeared to have any connection with autism. And you know what they say......."There's no point in preaching to the choir!'
Cheers dearies
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