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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wed - Special exposure

5 Minutes for Special Needs

A long while back, I had a couple of non-verbal boys.

Later, they became......a bit more verbal.

A wee while ago, one of them decided "not to talk" any more, for no apparent reason that I could fathom.

I was worried!

I hoped it was a positive choice on his part, a voluntary mute. I decided to worry and wait. I wondered how long I would have to wait? How long is it possible to remain mute, voluntarily?

Meanwhile, whilst I waited, I found my house suddenly plastered with numerous arrows of varying hues and sizes.

With a little help from his sister in the paper and cutting department, they decided to let me in on the act.

He posted a key to the arrows in chart form and stuck it to the fridge. Pink arrows for food, blue arrows for 'other needs,' blue arrows to direct my attention to important matters of interest and green arrows for area from which I was no longer permitted entry.

He added a few pertinent notes just in case I failed to catch his drift.

Everything comes to she who waits. Although for a moment there I returned to times when I would count words per day. Other people still wait.

Why might this be of interest to anyone else other than us? Because there are other skills that we learn, skills that we believe we have mastered, although often a little late in the day. If you find that new skill disappears overnight and you hunt for it for hours, maybe a little time will pass before it comes back again. I call it the "corkscrew effect." I wouldn't like anyone to waste valuable worrying time.

The words returned after four and a half days, a feat that I doubt I could challenge myself as I do have a tendency to whitter on a bit.

For more words, you may wish to meet up with "Nonna" or the "Alien."

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