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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wordless Special Exposure Wednesday - express yourself!

5 Minutes for Special Needs

Flagrant product promotion!

Many people have trouble finding, retrieving and verbalizing their worms, or rather words. Often children know the meaning of a great many words but lack the ability to express themselves. A smile tell you that they're happy and a tantrum explains the opposite, but the subtleties in-between are often lost.

Even with highly verbal children, if you ask them how they feel, the response is often less than illuminating.

Here is an easy way to circumnavigate that issue.

It might be quite a surprise!

As well as Magnetic!

And challenge those fine motor skills at the same time.

Available at Target, no expense has been spared. Look in the dollar bins.

HURRY = while stocks last.

This public service announcement has been brought to you today by.........
Mr. Nuffink, Mr. Surfin, Surfin USA and Miss. What are they like!

If you enjoy caption competitions and photographs, you may wish to nip along to"DJ Kirkby" over at "Chez Aspie" if you have a brilliant witty mind, or failing those qualifications you can always just zip along and lurk like me.

For more words, you may wish to meet up with "Nonna" "A Fashionable new trend" or the "Alien." "How much does it cost to change a light bulb."

Cheers dears

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