I have moved over to WhittereronAutism.com. Please follow the link to find me there. Hope to see you after the jump! :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wordless Special Exposure Wednesday

5 Minutes for Special Needs

Now is the time to practice, practice, practice!
9 days to wear those costumes and find all their faults.
9 days to model and role play.
9 days to practice that phrase, 'trick or treat?'
9 days to accept that all candy is not equal.
9 days to practice coping skills for disappointments such as trading.
9 days to practice holding a torch in one hand, a bucket in the other, walking as a group, managing your costume, negotiating steps, pathways, traffic and other revelers.

Can we do this?

Yes we can!

If you enjoy caption competitions and photographs, you may wish to nip along to"DJ Kirkby" over at "Chez Aspie" and test your brain power.


Donna Cooper said...

Giving away a free AUTISM AWARENESS T-Shirt on my blog. Would love you to come enter!


Jocelyn said...

Nine days to learn to NOT get creeped out by other people's decorations, too.

That's what ails my Wee Niblet. Too many scawy things out there.

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